Enter The Pact

Psychedelic Arts & Culture Trust

A nonprofit dedicated to honoring the past, celebrating the present, and shaping the future of psychedelic arts & culture.

Make a Donation

Join the Movement

The Chambers Project is pleased to announce the launch of its newly formed non-profit space PACT.

Founded by Brian Chambers, who has shaped and defined the psychedelic art space for nearly three decades as an art collector, dealer, patron, and curator. PACT, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, serves as a natural progression of his personal philanthropic work and the eponymous of The Chambers Project gallery in Grass Valley, California.

Museum of Psychedelic Arts
& Culture

World-class museum in Northern California and traveling exhibitions dedicated to showcasing iconic art and educating visitors on the history and future of psychedelic art.

Experiences and Thought Leadership

Convenings, workshops and content with iconic artists and thought leaders from around the world about the past, present and promise of psychedelic art for society.

Upcoming Events

Erik Davis & Mark McCloud Blotter Book Conference

Join us on July 23rd, for a one-of-a-kind conference on author Erik Davis’s new book “Blotter: The Untold Story of an Acid Medium.”
Erik, along with special guest speaker, Mark McCloud, will discuss the history of blotter art. Copies of the book will be available to purchase and to have signed.

Wixarika Art Benefit Exhibition

Saturday May 4th, PACT is hosting a benefit art exhibition for the Wixáritari tribe of North Western Mexico, California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas. The Wixáritaru are also known as Huichol, a colonial name derived from mispronunciation.

“In order to use your head, you have to lose your mind”

Timothy Leary







Get In Touch

Email Us:

[email protected]

Visit our sister site:

The Chambers Project